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Deterministic Modelling
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Frequently Asked Questions
EVPro delivers a holistic range of risk suitability, cashflow planning, and client review tools designed to explain your clients’ risk easily.
Getting Started: Admins
I've just got access to EVPro as an Admin user, what should I do first?
I need a colleague to help with the Settings, but they can't see everything I can. What can I do?
What should I make sure has been done before using the Client profile section of EVPro?
I am a Network Admin user, what changes am I able to make?
Migrating Client Cases Between Your EVPro Users
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Getting Started: Advisers
I'm an Adviser and just got access to EVPro but not via my back office system, where do I start?
I'm an Adviser and have just got access to EVPro, are there any Settings I should be looking at?
Getting Started: Integration Partners
I am trying to migrate a client from iO to EVPro and it does not appear to be working, or the client might come but not all of the associated records like plans and funds. What should I be checking?
I've just added an Account to Embark and have tried to migrate it to EVPro via the FNZ app, but it says the Account is not there. What am I doing wrong?
I'm an iO user and have updated my EVPro settings, what do I do next?
What will happen to any manually entered records on an Account in EVPro, if I synch the client with FNZ?
When I use the FNZ - EVPro App on an Account, when I get into EVPro, I still have to import the client. Is this an error?
I'm an Xplan user and have updated my EVPro settings, what do I do next?
How do I access EVPro within iO?
iO / EVPro App Installation Guide
Do all the Assets that I've recorded in Plannr get migrated to EVPro?
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What information will be sent for the quarterly updates?
How do I set up my paraplanners so that they can work on my client records?
What assumptions do you make if the gender is entered as non-binary?
How do I add my logo to EVPro so that it appears on reports?
Within the Client list I can see a 'Date last edited' and in the Review module there is a 'Date last reviewed'. Aren't these the same dates?
I want to use the Deterministic modelling for cashflow planning. Are you able to provide the medium estimates based on your stochastic returns?
Why are Invest and Goal giving slightly different forecast results?
If I have a joint client, can I work on them separately in EVPro?
How many employment statuses can I add against a client?
Why do I need to add dependants into EVPro?
What does the forecast chart show?
I can't create Model Portfolios and I need to, what should I do?
What updates happen for EVPro and when?
I've forgotten my password for EVPro, what do I need to do to change it?
Why can’t I adjust the assumptions for the forecasts?
What is Stochastic Modelling?
How do you add cash to model portfolios?
How are updates to tax and other regulations taken into account?
How do I know that the forecasts are realistic?
How do the calculations work?
How are the stochastic assumptions created?
Can data be pre-populated through IRESS Xplan?
Where does the fund data come from?
What accessibility requirements does EVPro conform to?
Which browsers and devices do EV support?
What screen sizes does EVPro work with?
How are the low and high estimate ages for mortality calculated?
How quickly do you factor major market events into your quarterly updates?
Can I edit the reports?
Where do the asset allocations for funds come from?
What are the asset classes I can pick from when creating manual funds?
I am trying to import a client from Xplan, but I can't seem to find them?
How do I separate a couple on EVPro, if for instance the couple gets divorced or one of them dies?
Can a client be accessed at the same time by two users?
Tax details for 2024/2025
When looking at the Peer group performance page in Quarterly insights, I can see what looks like an EV portfolio for each of the risk levels. What are they?
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When completing the Attitude to Risk Questionnaire, a page pop ups with 'A quick double check', what is this for?
How do I setup to receive notifications when my clients complete the risk questionnaire?
I want to make changes to the Risk profile names and the information displayed. How do I do this?
What should I tell my client if I send them a link to the Client profile Questionnaire?
What are the risk scoring bands for each risk profile?
I want to create my own question set for knowledge & experience and replace the standard EVPro K&E questionnaire. How do I do this?
How do I amend the Capacity for Loss questionnaire, as some of the questions don't work for my Firm?
How do I create a new question set?
Where do different asset class sit on the range of Income Risk Scores?
Do Income Risk Ratings depend on the investment term?
What changes will I see if I choose the clients objective of Income in the Risk Module?
How are you measuring the income risk?
Having changed the question set, how do I ensure the link that I've sent to the client is using the right selection?
Can the risk profiler be used as a paper version?
What impact does the answer choice ‘in between’ have within the risk questionnaire?
Does the behavioural section impact the ATRQ output?
Do the answers for Knowledge and Experience default when conducting a review?
Is the Knowledge and Experience section regularly reviewed, or just completed at outset?
How do we take into account ethical investing?
What was the process to build the ESG questionnaire?
Why is ESG not included in the risk profile score?
Can you map ESG results onto particular funds/risk levels?
How is a client's capacity for loss included in the tolerance to risk questionnaire?
How to check Capacity for Loss?
What changes are there if I choose to complete an Income Risk profile?
When should I be using the Income Risk profiling tool?
What asset allocations are used for income in EVPro Risk?
How are the risk descriptions created?
What options are available to assess the Risk Profiles for a Joint Client?
Is management information stored and used for feedback?
Can I disagree with the result?
Do they always work for every client?
Is the questionnaire validated?
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I want to show the current plan past performance on the Revised plan - what do I need to do?
What's the main difference between the asset classes Money Markets and Retail Deposit?
Why does the risk analysis score shown for my product/portfolio differ from the individual risk rating shown against the fund(s)?
How do I import funds/asset classes to create a Model Portfolio?
Will any funds created using the 'Manually add a fund' button be included in the Past Performance graph?
Against some funds there is an icon, sometimes green or red with bands on them. What do they mean?
Why is my fund risk rating shown as a question mark “?” symbol and not a number
What term is used to calculate the risk ratings?
What terms do you use for your risk benchmarks?
Why do the risk ratings depend on the investment term?
The fund fact sheet is showing as not available, why is it?
The fund allocations shown don’t look correct, how do I change these?
How is the efficient frontier graph plotted?
What is the gross annual mean return and how is it calculated?
What do the figures mean under the forecast chart?
How can I view relevant information when considering transferring an existing plan(s) to a new plan?
Why are the nearest risk scores chosen, not the whole number?
What’s the simplest way to risk rate specific cases provided by an adviser?
What will the Past Performance chart do if one of the funds has less than 12 months of performance information?
How can I see the Past Performance of just one of the clients' products?
How is Standard Deviation calculated in EVPro?
When risk rating a portfolio for income, what should I select for the increase - “None” or “RPI”?
How does the income risk rating take into account an income drawdown product with a guaranteed income stream?
If I have an increasing guaranteed income why can I not select to risk rate based on a level sustainable income?
What changes will I see if I chose a clients objective as Income in Invest?
Tell me how you Income Risk Rate funds.
How does EV risk rate a fund for income?
I always want to include Adviser charges in the forecasts under 'Risk analysis', is there somewhere I can set this as default?
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How is the total Fund charges for a plan calculated?
I have two rental incomes attached to a Property, but what I add an action to sell the property I can only choose one income. Is this right?
On the Plan comparison page of a Revised plan, what is the option 'Current plan average outcome'?
My client is taking a monthly income from his tax free cash. How do I set this up on EVPro?
I am adding a new client's existing plans into Assets, can I use a model portfolio to add funds?
Why isn't EVPro using the client's correct Retirement Age i.e. 67 years and 6 months?
What age is reported for the partner in the charts?
Why can I not see contributions/withdrawals/expenses/actions made before my next birthday?
Do you have an example showing how EVPro accounts for tax relief on Pension Contributions?
The Provider I need to find is not in the list, can I add a new one?
How does 'Compare projections' work?
What does the tool do with the Maturity Date, if one is entered for an asset?
If you include an action to buy an annuity for a partner, when does the annuity start?
I use Model Portfolios that are risk rated by EV, how can I find these Models when adding Assets?
How does EVPro treat income produced by income producing assets and capital growth from accumulation assets?
There is a field in Income, for 'Annual variable pay'. How should this be used?
A client has two rental incomes attached to one property and two debts, but what I add an action to sell the property I can only choose one income and one debt. Is this right?
How do I record Tenants in common and what impact does this have for EVPro?
I've added a debt for a part Interest only and part repayment mortgage and there is percentage field to confirm the percentage that is repayment, was does EV Pro do with this?
When adding a credit card debt, do the 'Balance paid in full' and 'Minimum monthly repayment' fields do anything?
The money left at mortality results seem very low for the weak outcome and very high for the strong outcome. Are they reasonable?
How is the Pensions Protection Fund stress test calculated?
Does the State Pension amount update automatically?
How does the ownership of the expenses get taken into account in the calculations?
When adding expenses, should they be added net or gross?
How do I record a client's P11D benefits, as there will be tax to pay on them?
When looking at a Revised Plan snapshot on screen the reported results do not match those I printed out at the time. Why would that be?
How is my PCLS reported?
What reporting period does each bar in the charts represent?
My client is taking income each month from his uncrystallised pension, so that 25% is tax free. How do I show this?
Why do both first and second life's appear to retire on the same day?"
Are there any shortcuts when adding records to the Goal module?
Can I change from one asset type to another once I have saved the asset?
What records need to change if I edit the client's date of birth?
Does the end date for employee and employer pension contributions automatically change if I change the end date for my earned income?
How is the mortality event age calculated?
What is the maximum length of a life plan?
How is the default state pension amount calculated?
How do incomes increase in deferment?
How do I add a Career Average Scheme?
What is the period over which the income and expenses are paid based on the stop date and end date?
How should I record previously crystallised pensions?
How is tax accounted for in EVPro?
What is the tax order used by EVPro ?
If a Unit Trust/OEIC/GIA is encashed to meet expenses in a particular year, how is the gain taxed?
If an onshore/offshore bond is partially encashed to meet expenses in a particular year, how is this taxed?
How is tax relief calculated on pension contributions if you have no earnings?
How do we allow for tax relief on pension contributions for self-employed individuals?
What happens to UFPLS if the money is needed sooner than the date that has been entered?
Where do I set the Pension Commencement Lump Sum that the clients wishes to take if they are buying an annuity?
How is my pension treated if I take less than 25% PCLS?
Can I change the date that the client might take their Pension Commencement Lump Sum?
How is the dividend allowance assumed to increase?
What are the increase assumptions used for Class 2 National Insurance?
How are increases to tax bands applied?
Are the actions that I have set up shown anywhere else in the tool?
What is assumed when I add the action “Invest a windfall”?
When is the "Sell a property" action assumed to occur?
How do I allow for a property sale before the clients' next birthday?
How are “All expenses covered for plan” calculated?
How is “Essential expenses covered for plan” calculated?
How is “Essentials met in the worst year” calculated?
How is the “Essential current asset adequacy” calculated?
Which assets are included when calculating the asset adequacy metric?
When do EV forecasts start from?
Why do my stochastic results in the Plan overview graph differ from the metric results at the top?
At what point in the year are the assets valued?
What is the order of the payments in the cash flow?
When are annuity payments assumed to be made?
Why do I not see my PCLS in the year of crystallisation?
When is the Pension Commencement Lump Sum assumed to be paid in the year?
Why does using a defined benefit income type show slightly more income over time than the equivalent use of "Other income"?
Why is the mortgage not fully paid off at the end of the term as I expected?
What happens if my expenses and contributions are greater than my income?
How is the "Year money runs out" calculated?
What is the Pension assets withdrawal order?
In preferences, if I set the question 'Save or spend surplus money' to “Save”, what is assumed?
In preferences, if I set the surplus to “Spend surplus money”, what is assumed?
What’s the default order of withdrawals?
What happens if I add further assets after I have changed the preference for the Withdrawal order?
Can I change from one asset type to another once I have saved the asset?
What is the withdrawals order from non-pension assets held both singly and jointly?
How do you consider State Pension within cashflow analysis?
Do I enter a gross or net amount for the regular investment into pensions?
What percentage likelihood is required in order for the 'Essentials covered for plan' metric to turn green on the plan overview chart?
What assumptions and calculation simplifications are being used in EVPro Goal?
What assumptions are made regarding the annual increase to Scottish tax bands?
How are Gains and Withdrawals Taxed?
How is tax relief accounted for on pension contributions?
I have one client whose tax residency is England and their partner's is Scotland, what tax system will EVPro use?
Is the Social Care Levy allowed for in EVPro?
How are the values reported for expenses?
What is the minimum that can be added as an Income amount?
Why can't I get an annuity rate for my client's Pension?
I'm trying to get a Quote for the JUST Secure Lifetime Income product, but nothing is working. What do I need to input?
How do I clone a Revised Plan?
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Can I use the Fund Allocation Solver on multiple plans at the same time?
When using the Fund allocation solver, how does the Fund optimiser decide which fund to use if there is a choice of two of the same asset class?
Over what period does Regular Investment Solver assume contributions are paid in its calculations?
What do each of the options do within 'Change funds on multiple products' button?
What criteria is being used to determine which pension is larger for inclusion in the Pension Protection Fund stress test?
What changes will I see if I chose a clients objective as Income in Solver?
What do the Stress Tests do?
How are the unexpected emergencies stress tests carried out?
Can you use Solver for multiple Events?
How is the “Event solver” calculated?
How is the “Regular investment solver” calculated?
What is the regular investment cap?
Other than CPI and None, can you select different increase rates within Solver?
Does the Fund Allocation Solver take into account contributions?
Does EVPro take into account product limits?
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How do I export a list of all Reviews for me to view?
What does EVPro Review do?
What is the On Target / Off Target dropdown?
When does the 'Date last reviewed' relate to?
User Guides
EVPro User Guide
EVPro Settings Tool Guide for Networks using Deterministic Modelling
EVPro Settings Tool Guide for Adviser Firms using Deterministic Modelling
EVPro Settings Tool Guide for Adviser Firms
EVPro Settings Tool Guide for Networks
EVPro IO User Guide
EVPro IRESS User Guide
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Introduction to Quarterly Insights
Introduction to EVPro / IRESS XPlan Integration
Introduction to EVPro / Intelliflo Office (iO) Integration
Introduction to EVPro / Plannr Integration
How to enable Email Notifications in EVPro
How to risk map your existing advice proposition into EVPro
Introduction to EVPro Risk Module
How to use EVPro Risk
EVPro Risk: Guide to Knowledge and Experience
EVPro Risk: Guide to Sustainable Investing (ESG Preferences)
EVPro Risk: Guide to Capacity for Loss
How to use an EV risk benchmark and align it with your existing advice proposition
Introduction to EVPro Goal
Introduction to the Deterministic Forecast Engine
How to create and edit new clients
How to add Events within EVPro Goal
How to add or amend Property Assets within EVPro
How to add Debts within EVPro Goal
How to add Income within EVPro Goal
How to add Expenses within EVPro Goal
What are Actions and how to add them within EVPro Goal
What are ‘Preferences’ and how to add them within EVPro Goal
Understanding Plan overview within EVPro Goal
EVPro: How to use stress tests
How to create a revised plan within EVPro Goal
How to quote for the JUST SLI Plan via EVPro and use in the Cash flow plan.
EVPro / IO: Introduction to Send Recommendations
Introduction to Invest Module
EVPro Invest: How to add or amend assets
EVPro Invest: Understanding Risk Analysis
EVPro Invest: How to create a report
EVPro Invest: How to create a revised plan
Introduction to EVPro Solver
EVPro Solver: How to use the Regular Investment Solver
EVPro Solver: How to use the Fund Allocation Solver
EVPro Solver: How to use the Event Solver.
How to use EVPro Review
Introduction to the Investment Forecast Quicktool
Introduction to the Retirement Forecast Quicktool
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EVPro Quick Tools
EVPro Retirement Quick Tool
EVPro Investment Quick Tool
Deterministic Modelling
What happens to my clients if I am already using EVPro on a Stochastic basis and want to change to Deterministic?
If I want to use the Deterministic modelling, what do I need to do?
Why do I only need to enter the 'Medium estimate' for Deterministic Modelling?
Recent Release notes
October 2024 Release Notes
September 2024 Release Notes
July 2024 Release Notes
June 2024 Release Notes
May 2024 Release Notes
March 2024 Release Notes
January 2024 Release Notes
November 2023 Release Notes
October 2023 Release Notes
August 2023 Release Notes
June 2023 Release Notes
May 2023 Release Notes
April 2023 Release Notes
March 2023 Release Notes
February 2023 Release Notes
January 2023 Release Notes
December 2022 Release Notes
November 2022 Release Notes
Release Notes December 24
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